
SeaWorld: Why The Food Deprivation Claims are Nonsense

Picture provided by Tessa Nicole SeaWorld: Why The Food Deprivation Claims Are Nonsense You may have watched the movie "Blackfish." And you may have heard that "SeaWorld deprives animals of their food if they don't perform" from the cast members. But is that really true? Let's take a closer look at these claims. The People who claim that: 1. Have never worked at SeaWorld. 2. Did work there, but decades ago. or 3. Contradicted themselves in the past. So what is true? First of all: The Killer Whales at SeaWorld do not perform to get fed. This is a lie. The People who make these false claims desperately need reasons to make people "Boycott SeaWorld," so of course they're going to make up a few lies to push their Agenda. But if you need lies to make people "hate" a company, doesn't that just reveal your true face? John Hargrove, a former Killer Whale Trainer who worked at SeaWorld and Marineland Antibes, h...